How can I batch export my Libraries / Projects from PostLab?

PostLab Exporter is a helper app that lets you batch export any/all Documents (.fcpbundle’s and .prproj’s) within a locally cached Production (a .postlab bundle).

1. In PostLab, open a Production, then Download each Document you wish to export.

2. Once you download the desired Documents, select any one of those downloaded Documents, keeping it selected.

3. Go to Preferences > General > DEFAULT PRODUCTION LOCATION. Take note of the folder specified in Current Folder.

4. In Finder, download PostLab Exporter then unzip it to your DEFAULT PRODUCTION LOCATION alongside your .postlab bundles.

5. In Finder, double-click PostLab Exporter to launch it. A Terminal window will appear, displaying its progress.

Do you see any messages with ⚠️ or ❌ ? Read the accompanying hint 💡, take the specified action, then relaunch PostLab Exporter.

6. Upon completion, PostLab Exporter will either report ✅ All done! or abort with an error.

7. Inside your DEFAULT PRODUCTION LOCATION, a new folder named Postlab Export - {YYYY-MM-DD} {HH-MM-SS} containing all your downloaded Documents is now available. Open this folder to verify all desired Documents were exported from PostLab.

8. Once you confirm the Postlab Export folder contains all expected Documents, you can archive these to your own storage, then delete those from your Productions in PostLab.

Not sure how to address a ⚠️ or ❌ message? Stuck? Reach out:

Last updated