Student Licenses
If you are a (film) student, you are likely eligible for a Student License. Student licenses are one-year license, and include all available Pro features.
If you qualify for all the following requirements, email us from your school's email address. If you don't have one, send us proof of enrollment for this year.
You are a full-time student.
You are studying film, photography, broadcast, or a creative course.
Your school is a not-for-profit institution.
Full-time teachers can also apply for a Student License, provided they do so through an email tied to the educational institution.
We also have an Institutional License. Reach out to for more information.
Volume discounts
Purchases of more than 5 activations for any combination of apps qualify for a volume discount. Reach out for details. License extensions qualify for a volume discount if extended before support and updates expire.
For non-profits, we have a non-profit discount available. Please email us and include proof of non-profit status. Please list which products you require and how many computers you need to install our software.
Tax Exempt
If you are tax-exempt because of your (non-EU) non-profit status, depending on your order size, we either invoice you from Europe (tax-exempt by definition) or send you a custom order, which is processed by Paddle. After completion, Paddle can process your tax-exempt status and issue a partial refund.
Last updated