PostLab says "Something went wrong loading version bundle ....turf."
This message means that there has been a syncing hiccup, resulting in some files not being fully synced. This is often caused by a brief network dropout, a computer crash, or a premature shutdown while the syncing job is unfinished.
Usually, this message clears itself when the person on the team who used the Team Bundle last resumes their syncing queue. Have them open the latest project, make changes, and save it again to force the syncing progress.
If you are absolutely sure that all syncing has been done, and no one is blocking the syncing progress, or when nobody on the team can access the Team Bundle anymore, then a Version Bundle has become corrupted by the syncing hiccup. This can be remedied by restoring it to a previous version.
You can do that by following these steps:
Make sure to create a backup of the Team Bundle before you proceed.
In Finder, right-click the Team Bundle and hit 'Show Package Contents.'
In the folder 'versionbundles,' find the Version Bundle mentioned in the alert.
Go inside the Version Bundle: Right-click 'Show Package Contents.'
Remove the 'Index' file (put it on your desktop).
Next, go into the 'files' folder of the Version Bundle and sort this folder to ‘Last Date Modified’.
In the newest folder, locate the 'index-backup' if there is one. If not, go to the second folder.
Rename the 'index-backup' file to 'index.'
Put this index file in the general folder of the Version Bundle.
The Version Bundle has now reverted to its previous state.
Alternatively, if the procedure above does not help, you can remove the Version Bundle from the versionbundles folder altogether:
In Finder, right-click the Team Bundle and click Show Package Contents.
In the folder versionbundles, find the Version Bundle mentioned in the alert.
Move the Version Bundle from the Team Bundle to a local folder. Removing the Version Bundle entirely removes the corresponding files from PostLab. This means the work will be lost instead of returned to an earlier version.
Repeat the first or second procedure for every Version Bundle mentioned in an alert until the Team Bundle opens.
PostLab says "Request all team members listed below to save their work and close the Team Bundle to start the upgrade."
This message shows when you start an upgrade of a Team Bundle, but team members are actively working on the Team Bundle or have unsaved work. Make sure they save all their changes and they close PostLab. The list of team members should clear, and you can start the upgrade. This will take a few seconds.
If you are sure that no one's working on the Team Bundle, then it means some sync files were not properly deleted when changes were made to the Team Bundle. A network hiccup or a crash usually causes this.
To continue the upgrade process, follow these steps:
Make sure that no one is working in the Team Bundle.
Quit PostLab.
Download and open “Unlock PostLab Team”.
Select your last opened Team Bundle and click Continue.
Open PostLab.
You will now be able to upgrade the Team Bundle.
PostLab is showing an "Upgrade in progress" alert, saying someone is upgrading the Team Bundle. How do I proceed?
This means that someone on the team is upgrading the Team Bundle. Pleas wait until you get notified by that user that the upgrade is finished, this usually takes seconds.
Sometimes, this message shows when the upgrade is already done. In this case, an upgrade file is stuck in the Team Bundle because of a syncing issue or a crash. To unlock the Team Bundle, do the following:
Make sure nobody is actually upgrading the Team Bundle.
Back up your Team Bundle.
In Finder, right-click and click Show Package Contents.
Go to the migrations folder.
Inside, you'll find a file called `migration.json`. Remove the file.
This will get you back into your Team Bundle again.
Why is PostLab asking me to "close Final Cut Pro" when I'm saving my changes?
This message has to do with macOS permissions. These can be a bit of a pain and sometimes stubbornly ignored if already granted. Check the following:
Make sure you’re running the latest version of PostLab (PostLab > Check for Updates)
Go to macOS System Settings > Privacy & Security > Accessibility and ensure PostLab is present and enabled.
Go to macOS System Settings > Privacy & Security > Automation and make sure Final Cut Pro is turned on in the PostLab dropdown line.
Is everything already enabled? If so, turning these permissions off and on again while rebooting after each step should force the permission settings. Sometimes it also helps to manually remove PostLab from the Accessibility settings, reboot, re-add PostLab, and again, reboot.
I'm missing events in my just-imported Final Cut Pro Library
Occasionally, PostLab will skip some Events during imports from Final Cut Pro backups, or exported FCP libraries from PostLab Classic. We are uncertain why this happens and are actively investigating. The following workarounds should get you on your way.
In case of a Final Cut Pro backup:
Rename the FCP backup Library.
Import this into PostLab.
Continue working.
In case of an exported FCP Library from PostLab Classic or when the renaming workaround didn't work:
Create a new Library.
Copy the events from the exported or backup Library into the new Library.
Import the new Library into PostLab.
PostLab says "You haven't made any changes to this document" after I worked in my Final Cut Pro Library.
Although rare, this can happen on imported Final Cut Pro backups or FCP Libraries from PostLab Classic exports. We aren't yet sure why this happens, and are actively investigating. For now, this workaround will get you on your way:
Create a new Library in PostLab.
Open this new Library next to the original one already in PostLab.
Copy the events from the original Library into the new Library.
Save the changes to the new Library in PostLab.
Open the new Library again to check if all changes have been saved.
Discard the changes in the original Library, which can then be safely trashed.
PostLab says "Unable to sync", now I can't get into my Team Bundle.
This usually means there was a network hiccup or a crash while changes were made to a Team Bundle on another computer, and the changes to the Team Bundle are not fully uploaded.
Follow these steps to force the upload:
Quit PostLab.
Let the person who last saved the Project open it once more.
Then let them Save changes in PostLab en Quit PostLab altogether.
Launch PostLab yourself and try to open the Team Bundle.
Usually this forces the sync and the Team Bundle should be up to date. If this did not work, proceed with the following:
If everyone on the team has saved and uploaded their work, some sync files were not properly deleted when changes were made to the Team Bundle. A network hiccup or a crash usually causes this. To fix it, follow these steps:
Make sure that no one is working in the Team Bundle.
Quit PostLab.
Download and open “Unlock PostLab Team”.
Select your last opened Team Bundle and click Continue.
Open PostLab.
Last updated