
All transfers in OffShoot are always verified, so you can be sure your files are copied safely. By default, this is done using the Transfer Verification method. If you need more thorough verification and protection, you can set a different mode in OffShoot > Settings > Transfers > Verification


XXH64BE Checksums are always generated from reading source files and stored in Transfer Logs and MHLs. It's also possible to generate one or all legacy checksums (MD5, SHA1, C4).

Generating legacy checksum can affect overall transfer speed.

Verification Modes


To enjoy maximum transfer speed, the file sizes of both sources and destinations are checked against each other. Note: do not use this mode if you plan to erase your sources.


To rule out read errors, an independent source checksum verification is done. On destinations, the file size is verified. Use this mode if you’re erasing your sources while creating multiple backups.

When a source verification issue is found, the transfer stops. If a Destination verification issue is found, the transfer will continue and be completed with warnings.

Source & Destination

All sources and destinations are independently verified for maximum protection by reading back everything and comparing the resulting checksums and file metadata. Typically, it takes twice as long as Transfer Verification.

  • Choose this mode when creating ASC MHLs.

  • When a source or destination verification issue is found, the transfer will continue and complete with warnings.

These modes got a makeover in OffShoot 24.3. For older OffShoot versions, the following legend can be used:

  • Checkpoint OFF -> Transfer

  • Checkpoint ON (Backup) -> Source

  • Checkpoint ON (Archive) -> Source & Destination

MHL awareness

In Source and Source & Destination verification modes, OffShoot will automatically detect (ASC) MHLs on the source, and uses the listed checksums instead of rereading the source file.

OffShoot will only use the (ASC) MHL checksum when the file size and modification date match the referenced file.

Automatic MHL verification

In Transfer and Source verification modes, when transfers are successful and the Destination is idle, OffShoot will automatically reverify the newly created (ASC) MHL on the destination. When an issue is found, OffShoot will try to copy the file again using the Source or another Destination.

Manual MHL verification

Available in OffShoot 24.3 and newer

It's possible to verify data without doing a transfer. Just double-click an (ASC) MHL file and then click Verify.

  • Detects missing files and files with a hash issue.

  • The verification results will be recorded in a log (hint: click the status underneath the progress bar to open the verification log).

  • All ASC MHL files referenced in the ASC MHL chain.xml will be verified.

Source Verification Issue event

Fires when a source verification issue is detected.

Last updated