Application Overview
The main ScopeBox window can be broken into 2 distinct regions. On launch, the majority of the screen hosts the palette region. The sidebar, on the right side of the window, contains all of the controls and adjustments for sources, and palettes. The sidebar can be hidden at any time using the button in the upper right corner of the window, or using the Command-[ keyboard shortcut.
The Sidebar
Changing the settings of one of your sources or palettes is done in the sidebar. The sidebar will open to the "source selection" pane, where you can add a live source, a ScopeLink source, or a movie file. The icons at the top of the sidebar allow you to toggle between palette settings, source settings, still images, and predefined targets. Clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner of any palette allows you to adjust settings for that palette.
The Palette Region
Once you've added a source, you're free to start inspecting the signal in a variety of ways. You do this by adding palettes to the source. Each new palette you add will give you an additional tool to quantitatively or qualitatively examine the video, audio, or timecode signal of that source.
When a new palette is added, it appears in the Palette Region. This area serves as your general workspace for analyzing sources. You can add or remove palettes, change the source they monitor, or alter their size and position at any time. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of any palette to access its settings.
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