Supported Storage

PostLab has been designed to be agnostic about storage, allowing Team Bundles to work with various types of storage.

Local Storage

By storing a Team Bundle on local storage, individual users can efficiently manage their projects and leverage PostLab's powerful versioning capabilities. Collaborating with other users is not possible until the location of the Team Bundle is shared within the local network.

Shared Storage

Storing Team Bundles on storage like a NAS or SAN will enable users to collaborate. Simply share the location of the Team Bundles with all people who need to work together.

Cloud Storage

Certified cloud storage:

  • Dropbox

  • LucidLink

  • Box

Storing a Team Bundle in the cloud allows for seamless remote and hybrid collaboration. There are two types of cloud storage: block-based and object-based.

Because of its streaming capabilities, block-based cloud storage ensures smooth and efficient syncing of files and metadata. With object-based cloud providers, you should expect longer synchronization times.

PostLab has certified the following cloud storage providers:

  • PostLab utilizes advanced syncing features available exclusively in 2.0 and 3.0 filespaces. For optimal performance, we highly recommend using a 2.0 or 3.0 filespace.

  • Make sure every collaborator has access to the folder in which the Team Bundle resides. Preferably not the Root.

  • For the best and fastest performance, 'pin' the Team Bundle so LucidLink caches it. Right-click on the Team Bundle and choose "Pin."

  • Make sure your LucidLink cache setting is sufficient to cover your pinned Team Bundle size. Don't forget that your Team Bundle can grow, so reserve extra cache space for it.

  • If possible, enable LucidLink Snapshots to automatically create backups of the Team Bundle.


  • When creating a Team Bundle on Box, always put this in a Folder (not in the Root).

  • Make sure you make this folder available offline on all machines. Right-click on the Team Bundle and choose "Make available offline".

  • When performing an action in PostLab (like opening a team bundle or saving/discarding), Box won't always immediately push these changes. If you want to make sure everyone is up to date, manually push changes by right-clicking on the Team Bundle and choosing ‘Refresh folder.’ After a while, the changes will be visible on other machines.


  • Make sure you make the Team Bundle available offline on all machines. Right-click on the Team Bundle and choose "Make available offline."

  • When performing an action in PostLab (like opening a team bundle or saving/discarding), Dropbox won't always immediately push these changes. You can check Dropbox's syncing status to see if changes are being pushed or coming in.

Google Drive

Note: Google Drive is not yet fully certified!

  • Guests and Members need to be at least Content Creators. Contributors won't work as they cannot delete files, which is required to keep track of syncing.

Last updated