Supported Apps
PostLab supports many file types, allowing users to lock and version their files. This list is continuously growing. Reach out to tell us which app you use the most and would like to see in PostLab.
Final Cut Pro
Logic Pro
iWork Suite (Pages, Keynote, Numbers)
Premiere Pro
After Effects
Microsoft Word
Pixelmator Pro
Final Draft
If an application has its own collaboration features, they're likely not compatible with PostLab. Use PostLab or the app's built-in features, but not both.
Apple Motion
PostLab does not sync Motion Template files from the 'Movies' folder in your Home Directory to your collaborators. Most people use tools like PostSync or ChronoSync to sync Motion Templates. PostLab does sync the references to Motion Templates that are used in Final Cut Pro Libraries, but not (yet) the template files themselves.
Known Limitations
Final Cut Pro
Library Smart Collections: Smart Collections cannot be saved at the Library level with PostLab. They reset every time an FCP Library is opened, returning to their original state even if deleted. To prevent this, use Smart Collections at the Event level.
Custom Roles: When importing a Final Cut Pro Library, unassigned custom roles may be removed due to FCP's architecture, which PostLab cannot modify. To prevent this, assign each role to a placeholder clip on a timeline before importing to PostLab
Magnetic Mask: Final Cut Pro 11 stores Magnetic Mask data within a Library. Unfortunately, PostLab cannot identify which event the data belongs to. Consequently, you cannot link timelines with a Magnetic Mask matte applied with other Libraries. Doing so will trigger an error message in FCP: "Unable to render: missing Magnetic Mask...". Stick to Magnetic Masking per Library.
iCloud's Documents and Desktop folder sync is not supported when using PostLab's
Open Copy
feature. PostLab saves the Library copy in the Documents folder, but as iCloud can't support opening libraries from PostLab, the library won't open when iCloud's sync feature is enabled in macOS. If you must iCloud's sync feature, you can change PostLab's default path by using this Terminal command:
Last updated