Licenses Types

We have four license types:

  • Perpetual licenses

  • Project licenses

  • Rolling licenses

  • Server licenses

Perpetual Licenses

By far the most common license, all our apps are available as perpetual licenses. Every perpetual license comes with 12 months of updates and support.

Perpetual licenses can be either Pro or non-Pro, with no difference in license terms, only in features.

Project Licenses

We have project licenses available for those who need licenses for a fixed amount of time or need to give a freelancer a license without sharing a perpetual license key. Off-the-shelf project licenses expire 30 days after being used for the first time, and custom project licenses expire when the upfront agreed-upon lifespan has ended.

As a rule of thumb, a project license makes sense if you need to use an app for less than six months (regular license) or nine months (Pro license). For longer-running projects, a perpetual license is more economical.

Project licenses are available for all apps and can be used on both macOS and Windows, but only on one machine at a time; they always have one activation. Project licenses are always Pro licenses; they have all the features available. We do not offer non-Pro project licenses.

Moving a license from one computer to another during its lifespan can be done by deactivating in-app or in the online License Manager to reuse it on another computer.

For volume purchases or custom lifespans, reach out.

Rolling Licenses

A rolling license is for clients that do not wish to purchase a perpetual license but instead prefer to rent a license on a continuing or rolling basis. A rolling license is charged per month and automatically renews - just like a subscription does.

It's possible to change the number of activations on the license at any time; increasing the quantity results in partial billing for the remainder of the month, whilst a decrease in activations results in a credit for the next billing cycle.

Server Licenses

We have server licenses available for facilities with air-gapped systems. A server license is used in conjunction with our Local License Server, which acts as a proxy for activating and deactivating on-premise computers. A Server License is a perpetual Pro license which is enabled for server usage by our team, at a yearly recurring charge.

Reach out for details.


It's possible to upgrade a project license to a perpetual license. To do so, reach out within 30 days after your initial purchase. A perpetual license can be turned into a server license at any time.

Last updated