
To merge licenses, reach out to

Sometimes, people end up with a bunch of separate licenses for the same product. That makes it a bit hard to manage activations and extensions, so we offer a free service of merging licenses. This is a manual process that we handle for you.

When merging licenses, we total the activations on all your licenses and add them to the last purchased license. Say you have five OffShoot licenses, of which two have 3 activations. You end up with a license with 9 activations (2x3 + 3x1).

Updates & Support

As you likely purchased your licenses at different moments, they all have different end dates for their Updates & Support window. To rectify this, we calculate the remaining dates of each license, and that way, we know which new end date to set your remaining license to.

An example:

  • 1 license with 2 activations, with Updates & Support until two months from now

  • 1 license with 1 activation, with Updates & Support until 3 months from now

Merged, you'll end up with a license with 3 activations with Updates & Support until 70 days from now: the first license has a total of 4 months, or 120 days, remaining, and the second has 90 days remaining. That's 210 days in total. Divided by 3, the new total number of activations, the new license will have Updates & Support until 70 days into the future.


If you have licenses that are outside of their Updates & Support window, it's a good idea to extend them at the same time as merging. If not, the deficit of days of Updates & Support would decrease the newly set date on your license. To prevent this from happening, we'll help you with a custom order for extending those activations that are no longer eligible for updates and support.


Especially if you have a bunch of license keys, migrating all your machines to the one-license-to-rule-them-all will take a bit of time. Therefore, we can keep your licenses activated for a week or two before deactivating them. Together, we'll make sure there's the least amount of hassle possible.

Last updated