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Can't activate Arctic?

Final Cut Library Manager (FCLM) used a different license key format than Arctic:

  • Arctic - ABCD-EFGH-IJKL...

  • Final Cut Library Manager - FCLM...

You must use an Arctic license key to activate Arctic. You cannot activate Arctic with a license key for FCLM.

Make sure you’ve installed the latest Arctic release, then activate it with your license key for Arctic.

Still stuck?

Reach out to Support here – – then send us these details:

  • The version of macOS you're using:

  • The Arctic version you installed:

  • Screenshots (or a screen recording!) of what you're experiencing

  • Some details on what led up to your experience

Sending us your database

Sometimes, we request you to send us your Arctic database to have a better look. Use this command to generate a zip on your Desktop, which you then can send to us:

zip ~/Desktop/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/Arctic -r

Last updated