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Last updated
The latest installer for macOS is available here:
Using LTO on a Mac requires a range of drivers to be installed properly. Getting your drivers sorted out can be a bit of a hassle, especially on Big Sur and later macOS versions.
Canister's Preflight Checks functionality tries to help you as much as possible by detecting any missing, outdated, inconsistent, or incomplete drivers when LTO hardware is detected.
Upon each app start, Canister will do a complete systems check - looking for Thunderbolt devices, Host Bus Adapters, and SCSI devices. On the software side, Canister checks for all required frameworks and drivers.
In a nutshell:
🟢 Everything green - you're good to go, and Canister will automatically continue.
🟠 Orange indicates a part of your setup is not 100% up to date, but it's fine to continue as is.
🔴 Red means your setup won't do. Preflight Checks will tell you how to resolve it, if possible.
For reference, here's a list of all drivers and dependencies. Thanks to Canister Preflight Checks, you don't need these - we'll serve you the ones you need based on your system.
That said, sometimes it helps to have direct links. We regularly update this list of drivers, so there's no need to worry about checking if they're the latest version. (6xx series, PCI-3) (12xx series, PCI-3) (12xx series, PCI-4)
A full list of compatible hardware is available here
Each Thunderbolt-based LTO drive consists of three devices:
The Thunderbolt-to-PCI board
A Host Bus Adapter (or "HBA"), a device translating PCI to SCSI
The LTO drive itself
Non-Thunderbolt LTO drives, connected via SAS or Fibre Channel, will connect to a HBA that lives in an external box or as a PCI card inside your computer.
The only part of your hardware that requires a driver is the HBA.
Since Big Sur's release, Apple no longer ships drivers for HBAs. HBA drivers are macOS kernel extensions. Starting with Big Sur, kernel extensions require additional steps to install. On top of that, Apple silicon devices require you to change security settings to allow those extensions to run. Configuring these settings is expected behavior with Apple silicon, but cumbersome nonetheless.
We've tried to smooth out the process as much as possible, but be prepared for a bunch of successive reboots and raised eyebrows 🤷♂️
HBAs come in different flavors, and (to make life easy) not all work with LTFS.
Most brands, including recent mLogic units, use ATTO. Three possible ATTO drivers make matters easy: 6G, 12G PCI-3, and 12G PCI-4 ("GT").
Most MagStor units use Areca, but sometimes they use ATTO.
Old mTape units also house Areca cards (eg. ARC-1320). These tend to be incompatible with newer builds of LTFS.
Some brands might use HighPoint "RocketStor" HBAs which are not suitable for use with tape.
Older LSI HBAs do not work on a Mac. These cards are also sold under HP's brand name.
Symply exclusively uses ATTO HBAs, but the model varies with the unit. To find out which driver you need, ask Symply support or use the SymplyATOM tool to get started.
Other World Computing's Mercury Pro & Archive Pro solutions typically use ATTO HBAs. Refer to their documentation here for guidance on which driver to install.
If Canister detects a MagStor LTO Thunderbolt device, it will ask you to input its serial and serve you the correct driver for the HBA inside. Not all units are made equal, so don't rely on memory. Through our partnership with MagStor, we have an up-to-date list of products, serials, and HBAs.
Locate your serial on the back or bottom of your unit.
mLogic typically use ATTO or Areca HBAs, but the model varies with the unit. To be sure which driver you need, ask mLogic via their Help Center.
If your setup is not mentioned above, you'll need to install your HBA driver by hand. In most cases it's easiest to ask the vendor for support.
Installing drivers (AKA kernel extensions or system extensions) can be a tedious ordeal, thanks to Apple. If you run into trouble, grab a coffee, carve out some time, and we'll walk you through the process with this documentation.
If your Mac is managed through MDM, stop now and contact your System Administrator. The following steps below will not apply when using MDM.
On Apple silicon, you'll first need to set your Mac's security policy to "Reduced Security" to be able to load signed kernel extensions. If you're on Intel, you can skip to Installing the HBA driver.
Apple's use of "Reduced Security" language is misleading. With it, your Mac's security is on par with the level of security you've come to expect with previous versions of macOS.
Shut down your Apple silicon Mac.
Press and hold down the power button until your Mac boots. Your Mac will either send you directly into macOS' Recovery environment, or you'll see an Options
button leading to that.
Log in with your user account and select the disk you want to use.
In the menu bar, go to Utilities
, then select Startup Security Utility
Click Security Policy...
Select Reduced Security
, then enable:
Allow user management of kernel extensions from identified developers
Click OK
In the menu bar, select Shut Down
Turn the Mac back on (press but don't hold the power button this time) and log in.
Now, install the driver for your HBA that Canister provides.
During installation, you'll see a System Extension Blocked
or System Extension Updated
dialog appear.
Confirm which version of macOS you're using with Canister, then follow these steps to approve the HBA driver to load in macOS:
In the System Extension Blocked
or System Extension Updated
dialog, click Open System Settings
System Settings will launch, taking you to Privacy & Security > Security
Under the System software from developer "(Name of HBA Driver Vendor)"…
prompt, click Allow
Two Privacy & Security
dialogs will appear:
In the first Privacy & Security
dialog (Privacy & Security is trying to modify your system settings.
), enter the password from a local macOS Administrator account, then click Modify Settings
In the second Privacy & Security
dialog (Privacy & Security needs to authenticate to continue.
), enter your macOS account’s password, then click OK
your Mac. It may restart multiple times.
After rebooting, macOS might prompt you to Open System Settings
or Open Security Preferences
and do the whole thing again (and sometimes, a third time.)
Next, launch Canister. If Canister detects the driver isn't loaded, it will tell you to Allow driver in system settings
to trigger macOS to show the much-coveted Allow
When successful, Canister will show you this:
Is there a 🟢 next to LTO
? You may proceed to installing theSoftware bits 🥳
If not, keep reading. We suggest finding a cozy spot and a big bag of patience.
We've found multiple workarounds and listed them in order of success rate. If one doesn't work for you, be sure to try the other suggestions.
Try installing macFUSE first, then reinstall the HBA driver. Even though the install FUSE
link is greyed out in Canister, you can still click it. Installing macFUSE first seems to get macOS out of its not-showing-the-Allow
-button funk.
Since most people use ATTO HBAs, we'll use those as an example. But you can use these steps with any kext.
First, look up your driver's name in /Library/Extensions
For ATTO 6G, use ATTOExpressSASHBA2.kext
For ATTO 12G (PCI-3), use ATTOExpressSASHBA4.kext
For ATTO 12GT (PCI-4), use ATTOExpressSASHBA5.kext
Then, try loading the kernel extension manually in Terminal:
sudo /usr/bin/kmutil load -p /Library/Extensions/ATTOExpressSASHBA2.kext
You'll need to enter your password. Then, open the Security & Privacy
pane again – it should show you the Allow
If you finished the installation, and your LTO drive works but stops working after each reboot, forcing you to load the kernel extension over and over again, there's likely a remnant of an older ATTO driver of your system. Here's how to remedy that:
Suppose you finished the installation, and your LTO drive works. However, after each reboot, it stops working, forcing you to load the kernel extension over (and over) again. There's likely a remnant of an older ATTO driver in your system. Here's how to remedy that:
In Finder, hit Shift-Command-G
, then go to /Library/Extensions
Delete any ATTOSASHBA*.kext
in that folder (password required, most of the time).
In Terminal, copy/paste this: sudo kextcache --clear-staging
(password required).
Reboot if macOS doesn't already force you to.
Reinstall the ATTO driver your LTO machine requires.
If any of the Terminal commands above return errors like system policy prevents loading
, your computer is very likely under IT management policies that prevent kernel extensions from loading. Talk to your IT department first; they'll know what to do.
Starting in macOS Big Sur, the local kernel extension (i.e. kext) database in macOS may not retain your decisions on approving third-party system or kernel extensions to load in macOS. If macOS doesn't load a kernel extension despite multiple approvals from you, you can safely reset macOS' kext database, which revokes approval for all third-party kexts installed on your system volume.
Once you reset the local kext database, you can log back into macOS and approve any/all system or kernel extensions installed on your Mac.
Save any open work and quit any open apps.
Power down your Mac.
Once your Mac is fully powered down, power up your Mac again in Recovery mode.
Choose your system volume, log in with a macOS Administrator account, then launch Terminal.
Use this command to reset your Mac's Kernel Extension database:
kmutil trigger-panic-medic --volume-root /Volumes/
If your system volume has a space in its name (e.g. Macintosh HD
), enclose the volume name in quotation marks (e.g. "/Volumes/Macintosh HD"
Press the (Return)
If you entered this command correctly, you'll see this response, All third party kexts have been unapproved and uninstalled from /Volumes/
Restart your Mac.
Once you log into macOS, you'll likely be greeted with multiple dialog boxes saying...
System Extension Updated
System Extension Blocked
...along with confirmation that you triggered the Panic Medic Boot
You've successfully reset your local kext database in macOS.
Now you can approve the HBA driver, macFUSE, and any other existing system or kernel extensions to load in macOS.
Do you keep running into non-loading kernel extensions? Then there's something wrong with your macOS install, likely due to upgrading your OS instead of doing a fresh install. At this point, it's just faster to reinstall macOS. Less daunting than it sounds and won't take long, thanks to APFS:
Now that you have installed your HBA drivers, the biggest hurdle is behind you. Let's move on:
To make LTFS work, you'll first need to install macFUSE. LTFS uses it to represent the data onto the tape as a volume on your computer. It's also a kernel extension, so yes, more reboots.
Confirm which version of macOS you're using with Canister, then follow these steps to approve macFUSE to load in macOS:
In the System Extension Blocked
or System Extension Updated
dialog, click Open System Settings
If you clicked OK
instead, click Open Security & Privacy System Preferences
in the installer.
System Settings will launch, taking you to Privacy & Security > Security
Under the System software from developer "Benjamin Fleischer"…
prompt, click Allow
Two Privacy & Security
dialogs will appear:
In the first Privacy & Security
dialog (Privacy & Security is trying to modify your system settings.
), enter the password from a local macOS Administrator account, then click Modify Settings
In the second Privacy & Security
dialog (Privacy & Security needs to authenticate to continue.
), enter your macOS account’s password, then click OK
your Mac. It may restart multiple times.
button? Use this command in Terminal (all on one line):
sudo /usr/bin/kmutil load -p /Library/Filesystems/macfuse.fs/Contents/Extensions/11/macfuse.kext
Again, you'll need to enter your password, then open the Security & Privacy pane – it should show you the Allow
When Canister detects an HBA and LTO drive, it will deduce which LTFS you need. LTFS has a dependency called ICU to support international characters, so Canister will tell you to install ICU first. Then, you install LTFS. No reboots are needed; it's pretty straightforward.
From 24.1
Catalog support is bundled with the Canister installer. This section is retained for legacy purposes, but no longer supported.
Up until 23.2
, Catalogs requires additional drivers. Preflight Checks will prompt you to install Apple's Command Line Tools ("CLT") first:
If CLT doesn't download (it happens, as Apple hosts it themselves), you can do so manually with this Terminal command:
xcode-select --install
Then, continue with the Catalog install either by clicking "finish installation" or by downloading the Catalog installer from here.
Sometimes, macOS won't properly finish the Catalogs installer, stating the installation failed. If so, CLT most likely wasn't installed properly or completely. Reinstalling CLT will fix that:
Delete the folder /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
. (If this folder isn't present, CLT wasn't installed anyway.)
Reinstall Command Line Tools by using the following Terminal command: xcode-select --install
When done, run this command to make sure the installation is correct (all on one line):
It will output some text, which should look like this:
GNU M4 1.4.6 Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Written by Rene' Seindal.
Then, rerun the Catalog installer.
Immediately after installation, go to Finder and hit Shift-Command-G
Go to /tmp
Locate the canister-catalog-installer.log
file, and email that to us.
If your LTO drive previously worked, but your Mac no longer can see an LTO drive, neither can Canister.
There are typically two situations you can end up in:
Your Mac doesn't detect any LTO SCSI device. Canister will keep scanning until it finds one.
Possible causes include:
You have an mLogic device, but your Thunderbolt cable probably isn't connected properly.
Your device requires a Thunderbolt cable, but you are using USB-C type instead.
You're using an LTO drive with a separate HBA, but the HBA likely isn't detected. Check if it's listed under System Information > SAS
. If not, install its driver.
Your Mac somehow lost the connection to the LTO drive. Your best bet is to power cycle all gear, including the Mac.
Once the power cycle completes, check if all devices are listed in the System
. You should see at least two entries on the SAS
A Host Bus Adapter, like ATTO or Areca
A Ultrium LTO SCSI, device made by IBM, HP (or HPE), Quantum, or Tandberg
Can't get up and running? Running in circles?
It can happen and is typically an indicator of a deeper problem. The company that sold you your LTO drive and/or Host Bus Adapter should be your first line of contact, as this is about your hardware - not Canister. That said, we're happy to help if that's a dead end. Don't hesitate to contact us, and be sure to include a screenshot of Canister's Preflight Checks.
We won't give up on you