
The General Settings pane exposes a few common settings that can be used to customize how EditReady processes files. For most users, the default settings will be correct and should not be adjusted.

Parallel Job Count

This setting controls how many files are converted in parallel. By default, EditReady automatically configures itself based on your computer's capabilities and will attempt to fully utilize your Mac's processing power.

Reducing the job count may be helpful in reducing memory consumption on machines with very limited RAM, especially when working with very high-resolution (8K / 12K) footage.

Audio Bit Depth

EditReady produces 24-bit audio by default. This is the industry-wide default for video editing and post-production. However, some workflows or hardware playback devices may require reduced-bit-depth audio.

Hardware Acceleration

All modern Macs have powerful video encoding and decoding hardware, which can speed up video conversion by multiple orders of magnitude. However, this hardware can have trouble decoding the latest video formats. Disabling hardware acceleration and using a purely software-based approach can help process those files in those cases.

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