Watch Folder

This script enables you to monitor a folder for new files/folders to transfer with OffShoot or transcode with EditReady.


  • OffShoot 23.2 Pro or newer

  • EditReady 23.1 or newer

Known limitations

  • This script ignores existing subfolders.

  • EditReady needs to be open for the Watch Folder script to work.

  • macOS: no support for filenames containing \ or %.

  • macOS: when multiple files are added (nearly) simultaneously, one or more might not be transcoded.

  • Windows: no support for filenames containing any of these characters: +[]{}`'.

How to use

  1. Download the Watch Folder setup script.

  2. Double-click the script to open it in Script Editor.

  3. Configure the settings in the script and save it.

  4. To run the script, go to Script > Run or press Command-R. New files that appear in the source folder will transfer to the destination folder using OffShoot.

To stop watching the folder, rerun the Watch Folder script.

The script sets up a macOS Folder Action, which triggers the script whenever a file appears in the watch folder. The script then calls OffShoot to transfer those files to the configured destination.

macOS Folder Actions can also be managed through the Folder Actions Setup app.

The Folder Actions Setup app

You can watch multiple folders by making copies of the script with different configurations and running them one by one. To stop each watch folder, you can rerun each script or manually remove them from the Folder Actions Setup app.

Last updated