
FoolCat generates camera reports, complete with thumbnails and extended metadata. Available on macOS and Windows.

Using OffShoot for offloads? You can automatically generate FoolCat reports with the FoolCat integration in OffShoot.

Creating a Report

Drag and drop your camera footage onto FoolCat's main window, or click the + button to get started.

Hold the Option key to open the PDF report instead of the HTML.


Change the report name by setting a Label: click the folder or disk name, and enter a new one to be used as the Report name. A label overrides the Report name setting in Preferences.​​

When done, the Report will look something like this:


FoolCat allows for a lot of customization of your Reports. Add a logo and other project information in the Report Preferences pane:

Thumbnail Creation

By default, FoolCat creates three thumbnails per clip; for the first, middle, and last frame. This amount can be changed in Preferences > Settings.

Don't want any thumbnails? Set it to 0.

Report Location

The default location FoolCat saves Reports into is your Documents folder. You can also save an extra Report on the Source, which will be saved into the root of the folder or drive you set as a Source in FoolCat. Make sure that your source has write permissions for this setting to work properly; some camera cards are set to read-only.

Group PDFs in a separate folder

By default, FoolCat creates a folder for each report containing the HTML, thumbnails, and PDF. Alternatively, you can choose to automatically group the PDFs in a separate folder from the HTML report.

Last updated