
Retrieving files from a tape is easy; you can either retrieve a full tape or cherry-pick contents to retrieve just a few files.

Select the Retrieve tab. If no tape is loaded, do so first:

Mount the tape:

To retrieve the tape in full select the tape icon, and a border will appear. Click Next and then select a destination, and continue.

To retrieve a specific file, folder, or a collection of files and folders, click the drive menu (three horizontal lines) and select Select Files...

By default, the full tape's contents are selected. Unselect the root of the tape to deselect everything, and then navigate to what you need to be retrieved.

Canister will show you the size of your selection:

When done, click Next to select a Destination:

And continue...

When done, the progress bar turns green:

Open the accompanying Transfer Log if needed:

Retrieve with Finder

This feature requires macOS Big Sur or newer.

Canister makes it easy to retrieve files using Catalogs. In the LTO Archive, select a file or folder on a tape, right-click and select the "Retrieve..." Finder extension.

Retrieve with Full Path

When checked, files and folders selected for Retrieve will be copied to the destination, including the recreation of full paths as they exist on tape. This is useful when restoring projects that are sensitive to path changes.

Example:LTO-42/Production X/ is to be retrieved to ~/Desktop

  • Without Retrieve with Full Path enabled, will be copied directly to your Desktop.

  • With Retrieve with Full Path enabled, after retrieving your Desktop will be populated with a Production X folder containing

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