EditReady Server

EditReady Server enables headless workflows for tasks such as automated ingest and proxy generation for asset managers.

EditReady Server supports the same formats as EditReady.

How to use

  1. Activate with your EditReady Server license key (or use the trial mode)

  2. Run your CLI commands


Using EditReady Server unlicensed is limited to transcoding the first minute of each clip. Reach out to sales@hedge.video for a free 10-day trial license.


/Applications/EditReady\ Server.app/Contents/MacOS/EditReady\ Server --registration XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

(De)activation can be managed in the License Manager.


You must have a logged in user session to use EditReady Server.

/Applications/EditReady\ Server.app/Contents/MacOS/EditReady\ Server -h
    -r, --registration               Registration string

    -s, --sourceFile                 Path to source file(s)
    -d, --destFile                   Path to output folder
    -p, --preset                     Path to preset file
    -m, --metadataDestination        Path for metadata output
    -k, --normalizeMetadataKeys      Use display names for metadata keys
    -i, --clipIndexerDestination     Path for clip indexing and span detection json output

    -t, --generateThumbs             Create thumbnails
    -x, --thumbSize                  Max dimension for thumbnails (default 320)
    -v, --thumbInterval              Min time between thumbnails (seconds)
    -c, --thumbCount                 Max thumbnail count

    -l, --logginglevel               Logging level {error/warning/info} (default error)
    -h, --help                       Show this help message. Visit https://hedge.video/app/editready/server for more info.

Convert Media

/Applications/EditReady\ Server.app/Contents/MacOS/EditReady\ Server \
--sourceFile '$FileOrFolderPath' \
--destFile '$folderPath' \
--preset '/Applications/EditReady Server.app/Contents/Resources/Apple ProRes 422 (proxy).erpreset'

It's possible to use multiple -s flags in one command.

Progress Example

STATUS: {"clip": "/Volumes/DRIVE-12TB/_BLACKMAGIC/A001_10031156_C006.braw", "action": "transcode", "destination": "/path/to/destinationFolder", "progress": "0.0000234"}

Metadata JSON example

  "format" : "BRAW",
  "timecode" : {
    "drop" : false,
    "frameRate" : {
      "value" : 1001,
      "seconds" : 0.041708331555128098,
      "timescale" : 24000
    "string" : "11:55:35:06",
    "frameCount" : 1030446
  "destinationPath" : "\/Users\/Hedge\/Downloads\/A001_10031156_C006.mov",
  "clipName" : "A001_10031156_C006",
  "duration" : {
    "value" : 130130,
    "seconds" : 5.4220833778381348,
    "timescale" : 24000
  "metaData" : {
    "clip_number" : "A001_10031156_C006",
    "exposure" : "0",
    "file.sourceName" : "A001_10031156_C006",
    ... >> etc
  "audioTracks" : [
      "duration" : {
        "value" : 260260,
        "seconds" : 5.4220833778381348,
        "timescale" : 48000
      "codec" : "Uncompressed (PCM) 2 Channel 24 Bit Signed Integer",
      "timescale" : 48000,
      "fourCC" : "lpcm"
  "filePath" : "\/Users\/Hedge\/Movies\/A001_10031156_C006.braw",
  "videoTracks" : [
      "fourCC" : "BRAW",
      "displaySize" : {
        "width" : 7680,
        "height" : 4320
      "frameRate" : {
        "value" : 1001,
        "seconds" : 0.041708331555128098,
        "timescale" : 24000
      "codec" : "Blackmagic RAW",
      "duration" : {
        "value" : 130130,
        "seconds" : 5.4220833778381348,
        "timescale" : 24000
      "encodedSize" : {
        "width" : 7680,
        "height" : 4320
      "timescale" : 24000

Generating Stills

/Applications/EditReady\ Server.app/Contents/MacOS/EditReady\ Server \
--sourceFile '$filePath' \
--destFile '$folderPath' \
--generateThumbs \
--thumbSize 1024 \
--thumbInterval 1
/Applications/EditReady\ Server.app/Contents/MacOS/EditReady\ Server \
--sourceFile '$filePath' \
--destFile '$folderPath' \
--generateThumbs \
--thumbSize 1024 \
--thumbCount 3

Iconik ISG

If you use an iconik Storage Gateway (ISG), an EditReady Server integration is available for ISGs. Contact us at sales@hedge.video for details.


Last updated