Beta Track
Last updated
Last updated
From time to time, we'd like your feedback on new features before making them available to everyone. This Beta Track is available to all users with a Canister license eligible for updates and support.
Canister for Mac Beta II
All the good stuff from Beta Track I (Queuing & Independent Transfers), and more:
Queuing retrievals now works too!
Spanning won't get stuck when formatting.
Known issues:
Removal of completed Transfers will sometimes cause active progress bars to stall.
Erase, Rename & Repair are not available in the drive menu when a Library is detected.
Do not use Beta software in production - it's not ready yet!
Request beta access via Canister support - we'll give your license key beta super powers ✨
Download Canister for Mac Beta II (build 1065).
Install - full LTO setup instructions are here.
We like to hear when something is working well, but perhaps more importantly, we need to know when something doesn't. Feedback can be sent in-app via the Contact Support button (logs are automatically bundled). Bonus points for notes on how to reproduce any unexpected behavior.