Deployment Options

Customize how Mimiq behaves for your facility or environment.


Activating a license can be done via the API:

mimiq://activate?key=[your license key]

Deactivation works via the same mechanism:



By default, Mimiq launches when you log into your computer, but you can control whether Mimiq autostarts.

  1. In, tell Mimiq whether or not to autostart when you log into macOS.

Disable autostart

defaults write video.hedge.Mimiq.Mac launchAtLogin -bool false

Enable autostart

defaults write video.hedge.Mimiq.Mac launchAtLogin -bool true
  1. Commit the setting in Mimiq.

    • If Mimiq has already launched (i.e. in the menu bar):

      1. Quit Mimiq

      2. Relaunch Mimiq.

      3. Restart your Mac.

    • If Mimiq hasn't launched yet (i.e. not present in the menu bar):

      1. Launch Mimiq.

      2. Quit-then-relaunch Mimiq.

      3. Restart your Mac.

Then, use this Terminal command to check Mimiq's current autostart setting:

defaults read video.hedge.Mimiq.Mac launchAtLogin
  • launchAtLogin = 0 - Mimiq will not autostart when you log into macOS.

  • launchAtLogin = 1 - Mimiq autostarts when you log into macOS.

Hide volumes and Workspaces list

Although this suppresses Mimiq from initially displaying the list of volumes and Workspaces after it launches, you can still view that list anytime by clicking the Mimiq icon in the menu bar (macOS) or System Tray (Windows).

  1. In, tell Mimiq whether or not to display the list of volumes and Workspaces after it launches.

Disable displaying the list of volumes and workspaces

defaults write video.hedge.Mimiq.Mac disableWindowPopup -bool true

Enable displaying the list of volumes and workspaces

defaults write video.hedge.Mimiq.Mac disableWindowPopup -bool false
  1. Commit the setting in Mimiq.

    • If Mimiq has already launched (i.e. in the menu bar):

      1. Quit Mimiq

      2. Relaunch Mimiq.

      3. Restart your Mac.

    • If Mimiq hasn't launched yet (i.e. not in the menu bar):

      1. Launch Mimiq.

      2. Quit-then-relaunch Mimiq.

      3. Restart your Mac.

Then, you can use this Terminal command to check whether Mimiq will display its list of volumes and Workspaces after it launches:

defaults read video.hedge.Mimiq.Mac disableWindowPopup
  • disableWindowPopup = 1 - Mimiq will not display the list of volumes and Workspaces when you log into macOS, even if Mimiq launches when you log in.

  • disableWindowPopup = 0 - Mimiq will display the list of volumes and Workspaces when you log into macOS.

Suppress app updates

Although this suppresses Mimiq from displaying app updates after it launches, you can check for an update anytime by clicking the Mimiq icon in the menu bar (macOS) or System Tray (Windows).

  1. In, tell Mimiq whether or not to display app update notifications after it launches.

Disable app update notifications

defaults write video.hedge.Mimiq.Mac disableUpdateNotifications -bool true

Enable app update notifications

defaults write video.hedge.Mimiq.Mac disableUpdateNotifications -bool false
  1. Commit the setting in Mimiq.

    • If Mimiq has already launched (i.e. in the menu bar):

      1. Quit Mimiq

      2. Relaunch Mimiq.

      3. Restart your Mac.

    • If Mimiq hasn't launched yet (i.e. not in the menu bar):

      1. Launch Mimiq.

      2. Quit-then-relaunch Mimiq.

      3. Restart your Mac.

Then, use this Terminal command to check whether Mimiq will display app update notifications after it launches.

defaults read video.hedge.Mimiq.Mac disableUpdateNotifications
  • disableUpdateNotifications = 1 - Mimiq will not display app update notifications when you log into macOS.

  • disableUpdateNotifications = 0 - Mimiq will display app update notifications when you log into macOS.

Last updated