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The Vectorscope displays chrominance (color) information. Saturation is indicated by distance from the center, while the position around the circle indicates hue.
The markers on the Vectorscope (R, Y, B, etc) indicate colors. The boxes show where the signal should land when displaying the standard SMPTE color bars signal, providing a guide for evaluating saturation. The targets are plus and minus 5 degrees and 5% saturation.
The rings represent saturation percentage in 20% increments (the innermost circle represents 20% saturation, the next 40%, etc).
The colorspace option provides three different colorspaces with which to view the vectorscope. These are Rec. 601, Rec. 709, and Rec2020/2100. By default, ScopeBox will automatically set the colorspace based on your source. These colorspaces will adjust the color targets and scaling of the vectorscope.
The Mode dropdown allows you to choose the method ScopeBox uses to render your scope. Each mode offers you different information:
Weighted mode looks like a traditional scope and expresses the number of pixels at a given value by varying the brightness.
Mono mode displays every data point at full intensity, which can be useful in ensuring complete legality. With weighted views, it is possible to miss a small pixel region that is out of range.
Colorize mode replaces the traditional green in a scope with the actual color that it represents. For example, if someone is wearing a bright red shirt, there will be a bright red streak where the scope renders those pixels.
Instantaneous Envelopes help ensure that you don't miss any data within your vectorscope, even when it's just a single pixel. Checking the box will cause you to draw a boundary around the maximum values of your vectorscope.
Peak envelopes show the maximum values for your vectorscope over time. This allows you to look away from your scopes and know whether you exceeded a target threshold. The reset button will clear the peak values.
The Flesh Line is an industry-standard reference line along which skin tones will generally fall. It's most useful as a static reference between scenes or cameras.
The default graticule style for the vectorscope is a standard set of concentric circles, representing saturation.
ScopeBox also offers a "hue vectors" graticule style, which provides a more modern, color correct and camera matching specific overlay. This view gives more contextual information for hue adjustments across the entire range of saturations, while removing unneeded clutter more appropriate for signal-analysis and legality monitoring. The perpendicular hash marks on each line represent a 75% target.
See the Target Values section to learn more about how to set targets. You can enable or disable them within a given palette.
Hue vectors graticule by Alexis Van Hurkman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License