PostLab Classic

PostLab allows editors to collaborate on their Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro projects, and media.

PostLab Classic will be replaced by PostLab 2.0 in September 2024.

With PostLab, you work in a Team. A team can consist of editors, AEs, producers, and whoever needs to be able to access media and assets.

A Team organizes its work in Productions. Anything inside a Production is tracked by PostLab, and changes are automatically synced between Team Members. A Production contains Documents (a FCP Library, or Premiere Pro project), Tasks, Bookmarks, and more.

Each Team also has a Drive, PostLab's shared storage in the cloud. Whatever you put on Drive is made available to all other Team Members.

To get started is simple. Maybe have a look at this quick intro video first, and then, if you have more questions, dig in. Always feel free to reach out to us directly - we're standing by to help out.

Last updated