PostLab Local

Besides using PostLab as a cloud service for remote collaboration, you can also use PostLab on-premise — perfect for air-gapped productions and organizations that want to keep everything in-house. PostLab Local allows for studios and facilities to roll out PostLab in-house, thus eliminating the need for a rigid security vetting process by IT/InfoSec.

PostLab Local is a macOS client that is adapted to work solely with a vanilla off-the-shelf installation of either Gitlab EE 14, 15 or 16 (up to 16.9.0).

Local Only

PostLab Local does not support non-local area networks. PostLab Local can access your local GitLab server deployment remotely via a VPN, but you're not able (nor allowed) to use PostLab Local with cloud-based GitLab instances.

The Server

The central part of PostLab Local is your GitLab server. There are multiple ways to run a server; pick the one that suits you best.

We do not offer support for installing GitLab. If you're pursuing PostLab Local, you (or someone on your team) should have the server admin chops needed to install, deploy, and maintain GitLab and its user management. In rare cases, we able to provide Professional Services.


Jellyfish comes with PostLab Server pre-installed and integrated with Jellyfish user management. If you have a Jellyfish, send us the token exposed in the Jellyfish Manager on the PostLab page.

Bare metal Linux, QNAP, Synology, or any other NAS

If you're on bare metal or using a NAS, you know what you're doing. If you're in doubt, this is not for you - hire someone to manage your GitLab.


Installing GitLab on macOS is only possible through a VM. We’ve seen good results installing Ubuntu on a VM using UTM or Parallels.

Server considerations

Next steps

Read up on all the details about getting PostLab Local to work on GitLab:

Last updated