
DropOff lets others drop off and pick up files through your LucidLink Filespace. You can achieve this by means of creating Receive and Send links from https://dropoff.cloud. Once someone receives a DropOff link, they can use a web browser on their desktop computer or mobile device to upload or download files to/from your Filespace.

A Note to PostLab Users

Drop Off and Pick Up are still available as a part of PostLab but will be removed from PostLab in an upcoming release. The standalone release of our DropOff service will replace it.

Have questions on how DropOff can improve your workflow? Reach out: dropoff@hedge.video

Initial Setup

Go to https://dropoff.cloud/ and click Don’t have an account? Sign up.

Once you fill in your account details, your next step is connecting your LucidLink Filespace to DropOff.

  • Username - this is the username you use to authenticate to your Filespace through the Lucid app.

  • Password - this is the password you use to authenticate to your Filespace through the Lucid app.

Due to technical limitations, it's currently not possible to connect to a LucidLink Filespace with a SSO account. If your Filespace uses SSO, ask the person in your organization to create a non-SSO user to use with DropOff.

Storage Details

You must use a version 2.x Filespace with DropOff. If you need to upgrade your 1.x Filespace, contact LucidLink Support.

  • Filespace - this is the name of your Filespace as displayed in the Lucid app.

    • The Lucid app displays your Filespace name both under the “FILESPACES” list and after you successfully connect to your Filespace.

  • DropOff Folder - this is the folder on your Filespace where DropOff will upload files. DropOff will create a new folder in this location named “DropOff” after the first successful upload.

The Username you’re using must have Read and Write permissions to the DropOff Folder.

Once you’ve filled in your LucidLink Credentials, click Connect, and you’ll see DropOff’s dashboard. You’re now ready to create DropOff links to Receive or Send files via your LucidLink Filespace.

Receiving Files From Others

  1. In DropOff’s dashboard, click Receive, then Add +.

  2. In the Create Link dialog, give your Receive link a Title, a time period for when the link Expires, then click Create. A new link will appear under Receive.

  1. Click the copy icon next to the …/dropoff/abcd1234 URL and send someone this DropOff link so they can upload files directly to your LucidLink Filespace.

Uploading Files Through DropOff

If you received a DropOff link to upload files using DropOff:

  1. Click the DropOff link (e.g. https://dropoff.cloud/dropoff/...), which will launch in your web browser.

  2. You can drag and drop the files to upload onto the Drop your files region or click that region to launch a file selector.

    • Did you change your mind about uploading a file? Hover over the file and click X to remove it from the list.

  3. When you’re ready, click Upload Files.

  1. When your upload completes:

    1. DropOff will notify you in your web browser.

    2. DropOff will send an email notification to the person who created the DropOff link.

After a DropOff link recipient successfully uploads their files and your Receive link reports a Completed status, those uploaded files are stored in a folder called ../DropOff inside the DropOff Folder location on your LucidLink Filespace.

Inside the ../DropOff folder you’ll find subfolders corresponding to each Receive link. You can identify which subfolders belong to a specific Receive link by matching the abcd1234 portion of the Receive link’s URL with the subfolder name.

Sending Files to Others

  1. In DropOff’s dashboard, click Send, then Add +.

  2. In the Send files via download links dialog, give your Send link a Title, a time period for when the Files expires, then click Next.

  1. In your Send link, click Upload Files.

Files uploaded for Send links are stored on a LucidLink Filespace owned by Hedge, not your Filespace. More details are available here.

  1. You can drag and drop the files to upload onto the Drop your files region or click that region to launch a file selector.

    • Did you change your mind about uploading a file? Hover over the file and click X to remove it from the list.

  1. When your upload is complete, DropOff will notify you in your web browser.

To send someone a link to download these files:

  1. Click Share.

  2. Click the copy icon next to the https://dropoff.cloud/pickup… URL and send this DropOff link so they can download files directly from your LucidLink Filespace.

Downloading Files From DropOff

If you received a DropOff link to download files:

  1. Click the DropOff link (e.g. https://dropoff.cloud/pickup…), which will launch in your web browser.

  2. In the Download Files page, click 📥 next to each file you wish to download.

DropOff Dashboards


  • Top Up - DropOff is billed by the amount of data uploaded through DropOff. When you run out of data, click Top Up and purchase the desired amount of data to use with DropOff.

  • Settings:

    • Storage - edit and update the settings for the LucidLink Filespace you’re using with DropOff.

    • Default upload bucket - DropOff chooses a default upload bucket region for you. But if another region would speed up your uploads based on your current geographic location, you can select another region here.

  • Sign out


  • 🗑️ - delete this Receive link.

  • 📝 - edit and update a Receive link’s Title and Expires period.

  • Copy Link - copy a Receive link to paste into an email, message, et cetera.

  • Edit - edit and update a Receive link’s Title and Expires period.


  • 🗑️ - delete this Send link.

  • 📝 - edit and update a Send link’s Title.

  • Share - copy a Send link to paste into an email, message, etc.

  • Upload Files - upload files to share with someone.

  • Edit - edit and update a Send link’s Title.

Monitoring File Upload Status

If you click the Title of a Receive orSend link, you can monitor the status of a file upload which reports one of three stages:

  1. Uploading - the file is uploading through DropOff in a web browser.

  2. Processing - the file successfully uploaded through DropOff and is en route to a LucidLink Filespace.

  3. Completed - the uploaded file is now available on the destination Filespace.

When an upload has Completed, DropOff will also display:

  • Receive - how many files were uploaded using this link.

  • Send - the name of each uploaded file, its size, and the time stamp of when that file was uploaded.



Last updated