
Due to technical limitations, it's currently not possible to connect to a LucidLink Filespace with a SSO account. If your Filespace uses SSO, ask the person in your organization to create a non-SSO user to use with DropOff.

Confirm the LucidLink Credentials you entered are correct, particularly your DropOff Folder path.

Once you correct your LucidLink Credentials, within 30 minutes:

  • The status of each transfer will change from Processing to Completed.

  • Any previous attempts to transfer files with Receive links will appear in your DropOff Folder.

Likely, your DropOff link expired.

If you received a DropOff link, email the person who sent you the DropOff link for assistance.

If you created the DropOff link:

  • Receive - you can update the Expires period for an existing Receive link.

  • Send - add a new Send link and send it to your recipient.

How is DropOff billed?

You’re billed by the amount of data uploaded through DropOff, which includes:

  1. Files uploaded by you and any link recipients using a Receive link.

  2. Files you upload using a Send link.

Once you’ve exhausted the data on your account, you can Top Up on more data from DropOff’s dashboard.

Where are uploaded files stored on my Filespace?

For Receive links, uploads are stored in individual job folders within the ../DropOff folder defined by your DropOff Folder path of your LucidLink Credentials.

For Send links, files are stored on a LucidLink Filespace owned by Hedge. Send link uploads are deleted once the Send link expires and are governed by our privacy and information security policies.

Last updated